Published on by knowledgeability

It’s been a long time since the last post and I must confess that I was quite busy working on some new project (moving the blog to a top-domain and some other stuff).  But I will always return to this blog because it is my preffered one. For this “great” return, I would like to share something with you, a question: would you prefer to save your relationship with your parent or relationship with your partner?


Just take the example of someone who love a girl/boy but his or her parents are against this relationship (some of you might identify yourselves to this situation), would you prefer to save what binds you to your parent or this relationship you are about to build up with the one you love. Throughout my life, I’ve encounter tree kind of reaction to this situation. The first one was to break up with the partner and the second one was to give up what they had with their parent in profit of their relationship but there’s a third one, rarely used,  that I would like to share with you; the decision to stay with the partner and make the parent accept the relationship. 

Minna, Ian and the parents by magnusfranklin

In the perfect world of perfect couple, the third situation will be as easy as pie but it is not like this. I knwo the case where a girl had to fight for 2 year before the family accepted the guy and in other case, it might never be the case but why should someone take the risk to fight even though he/she knows the family will never accept the person. Simply because there’s no small relationship: what you’ve build up with your parent is very important because it’s something which took time, since your birth, to build and on the other hand, what you are about to build with your partner is as important simply because it is your choice. That’s why you should fight to preserve both, make concession and drives your parent and partner to make concession because afterall, what your parents and your partners wants for you is your happiness, it’s a first common point on which you could drives them to know each other more.

 My conclusion (and yours should be this one too) is that neither relationship (unless it is destroying you) is of no importance, you should always preserve it because it took (your) time to build it up…


Published on Relationship

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