Published on by knowledgeability

Maths are supposed to be a difficult subject to do at school. Forget about science because science’s hardest part is about calculation (like in chemistry or physics) returning to the point that mathematics is  the hardest subject of the world. Even though it is difficult, I’ve got something more difficult, relationship.

For those who are not in a love relationship, you can continue to read; I’m not talking about a love relationship but about every relationship you can list. Say, friendship, brotherhood, relationship between you and your colleagues (and love relationship). What is the best part with mathematics is that whenever you ask a questions, the answer will be the same forever, 1+1 will remain 2 until your grand-children dies but in relationship, we cannot assume this, things changes everyday. You will not provide the same answer or emotion to someone on a day you ‘re happy like on a day you’re sad or angry, people changes at every seconds that’s why their answers changes everyday. But the real question is how to manage your relationships as maths, having the same answer everyday; you can’t…

People are not numbers and they cannot provide fixed emotions or as I like saying it, fixed answers. We can assume they will give such and such answer but find that their mood is different and they just say the complete contrary. Living life as maths is impossible, if it was possible, just with calculations we will be able to provide the complete future of a person because we know just how they work and think, with this, choice will not exists and without choice, there is not love. That’s why we can’t live life as mathematics, we cannot only live life.

Published on Relationship

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