Published on by knowledgeability

Many fans after seeing the title will suffocate with surprise or even anger, or they will read the title several times to be sure that they’ve read the title well. Yes, I’ve written that you must cheat to have a successful marriage. Read the post completely to understand what I meant by cheating is essential.

First of all, when I talk about cheating, it is not having an affair with someone else.. Not at all. Now that you are reassure, I can proceed with what I have to tell. When I say that you must cheat on your wife/husband cheat on your wife, it’s with you. CHEAT ON YOUR PARTNER WITH YOURSELF.

My suggestion is that, you must allow your partner to discover you everyday, you must not allow him/her to know every part of you at once but on the other hand, you must know thyself (I like this word, thyself) completely: know what you like and dislike and allow, little by little, your partner to discover this also. Now comes the true meaning of the title of this post; do things you like like walking in your garden, painting or whatever else alone and enjoy yourself. It’s like cheating on your partner and don’t let him know, but give him clues about what you like. You will see that at once, it will not do anything on him but little by little, driven by his human nature firstly and then by his love for you, he will want to be part of your enjoyment and he will try to accompany you each time you will do your favourite thing. At last, you will found out that the cheating process (with yourself) will have the effect of attracting your partner more and more.

Cheating is a bad thing, and I will always say it but cheating your partner with yourself, is one of the bes thing you can do to make your partner grow closer to you.

Published on Relationship

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